Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the rest of the day was like a hallucination

reminded that i have visitors in only a few days, i sprang from my bed before 10am as fresh as a spring chicken and as lame as a stepford wife to begin to put our apartment back together...
drews still sleeping.

i proceeded to make myself some tea and started asking myself questions that i would then answer, such as:

would the vacuum wake him up?

should i vacuum anyway?
no. thats mean.

what do you want to eat?
toast, probably.

why does this toast taste so bad?
i dont know. you should probably throw it out.

this went on for a few hours intermittent with tiptoe cleaning until drew finally got up/i attacked his cocooned self.

HOWEVER, i finally collapsed the pullout bed/couch that we have had out since my sister's visit, did two loads of laundry and a dishwasher cycle, collected garbage, swept the floor, and cleaned the living room. woop woop normal apartment.

to catch those of you following the daily photo project up...
27 feb - diana - double exposure - interior/drew at turntable
28 feb - diana - triple exposure - at the gallery/Palumbo horse sculpture
1 mar - digital - fur shop shots (3)
2 mar - digital - fawn/jewelry display shots
3 mar - diana - low light shot from top of parking structure

digital photos to come.

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